> * Jason DeStefano <destef at destef.com> [001221 12:13]:
> > And there is no shortage of IP4 space that needs to concern
> > people, if there was you'd see major ISP pushing are for
> Adam: do you want to post your recent experience in trying to get a
> netblock from one of your ISP's?

IP space is blocked out in a rather erratic, and certainly inefficient
fashion. Some folks, including some ISPs, are having a hard time squeezing
into the space they have. Others have plenty to spare.

If your ISP happens to be the former, then any difficulty you might have
getting a block may motivate you to mess with one of the NAT or tunneling
solutions. Or it may drive you to switch to an ISP who can route you a
block with no problem. Or you may simply try to make due with one IP, or
even one from a pool handed out over DHCP. In any case, you have to make a
decision about which will be sufficient for your requirements, and within
your time and/or money constraints.

There are no universal rules that apply to everyone who has to make such a
decision. I guess you're within your rights to get mad and even rant if
someone makes a different decision than you would, but I think that's kind
of silly. 
