
On Tue, 5 Dec 2000 andy at theasis.com wrote:

> I have a "file"  /usr/include/linux which is misbehaving:
> $ ls -l /usr/include/linux
> c--sr-sr-t    1 26736    25601     46, 111 May 11  1999 /usr/include/linux

  ^ ??!? Isn't that character device? That's... that's pretty weird... 

On my RH7 system it's:
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           26 Jan  9  2000 linux -> 

Try 'rpm -qf /usr/include/linux, it'll say that it's part of... wtf,
kernel-headers-2.2.12-20? Redhat is weird sometimes.

